
Kappa Alpha Order

Missouri University of Science & Technology

Our Awards

Each February, KA chapters nationwide are recognized for their accomplishments throughout the year at regionally hosted Province Councils.

Chapters are recognized for excellence in finances, recruitment and chapter growth, communications, Project Outreach, Operation Crimson Gift, and overall chapter excellence. Every year the top 10 percent of KA Chapters are recognized with the Samuel Zenas Ammen Award for chapter excellence. This award takes all areas of chapter operations into consideration and recognizes those chapters achieving a high level of excellence. The highest honor that can be bestowed upon a chapter is the George C. Marshall Award of chapter excellence. This award is presented annually to the top one to three chapters in the Order in recognition for their superior operations and performance.

Beta Alpha of Kappa Alpha is proud of its heritage in striving to bethe best it can be and has always been at the top of the list in receiving recognition for its efforts in sustaining the values of the Order and the awards of merit and achievement that accompany them.

In addition, the brothers of Beta Alpha are leaders on the campus at Missouri University of Science and Technology. They always seek to achieve the highest levels of scholarship and other values provided by the university. The awards earned can be viewed in locations above.


Missouri S&T

Contact Us - Chapter

Beta Alpha of Kappa Alpha
1 Fraternity Drive Rolla, Missouri 65401
Trey Brown: (573) 578-5281
Alumnus Advisor
Jim Hennessey: (314) 378-8483

Contact Us - National

Kappa Alpha Order at Mulberry Hill
115 Liberty Hall Road Lexington, Virginia 24450
Phone: (540) 463-1865
Fax: (540) 463-2140

Developed by Beta Alpha of Kappa Alpha and hosted on Github

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