
Kappa Alpha Order

Missouri University of Science & Technology

The Bond Of Brotherhood

The bond of brotherhood established within the walls of Kappa Alpha Order is a bond that will last a lifetime. “KA for Life” is what we call it. You will hear that from active and alumni brothers alike, and you will see it in the way they treat each other - decades after initiation. We share our lives for only a comparatively brief time on campus, but we build friendships that last forever. Because of this bond, Brothers are always willing to sacrifice for one another and the advancement of the Order. Once a man becomes a member of Kappa Alpha Order, he is always a part of that brotherhood. When alumni return, no matter how long they have been away, they are immediately recognized as part of our brotherhood.

Quoting Thomas Carlyle, the Kappa Alpha Order believes that “the mystic bond of brotherhood makes all men one.”


Missouri S&T

Contact Us - Chapter

Beta Alpha of Kappa Alpha
1 Fraternity Drive Rolla, Missouri 65401
Marco Miskovic: (314) 650-1784
Alumnus Advisor
Jim Hennessey: (314) 378-8483

Contact Us - National

Kappa Alpha Order at Mulberry Hill
115 Liberty Hall Road Lexington, Virginia 24450
Phone: (540) 463-1865
Fax: (540) 463-2140

Developed by Beta Alpha of Kappa Alpha and hosted on Github

Apply for Membership